When Dylan was diagnosed with DIPG on August 8th, 2018, my mind quit functioning properly. All my thoughts became centered on Dylan and her care and treatment. I had previously been dialed in to my diet and exercise and I instantly lost the brain power to worry about my food. Now that we are fifteen months past diagnosis, I have learned to live with a chronically high level of stress. I still struggle to focus. Reading a book remains challenging. And while it has taken a physical and emotional toll, I am working hard to cope.
Here are my top five strategies to relieve stress – beneficial to anyone!

1 – Exercise – I haven’t been as consistent as I once was, nor as strong, but I would probably lose my mind without it. Walks with friends are like therapy and working hard in the gym takes my mind off life for moment. Worrying about getting through the next set of exercises is a great distraction.
2- CBD products – I believe there is still a lot of misconceptions about CBD products, and people often assume they are the same as marijuana. However, this isn’t the case. CBD or cannabidiol, is a component of cannabis, but does not elicit the high that THC does. CBD has been touted for a wide variety of health conditions and has been studied most in epilepsy, pain, anxiety and insomnia. It is also thought to have anti-depressant effects. I take a CBD tincture and I depend on it. It seems to decrease the intensity of strong emotions for me and help with sleep. I don’t seem to have any side effects associated with it and consistent use is key.
3- Counseling/Therapy – I have discovered an amazing therapist in our area who I look forward to seeing each week. Being able to talk through anything that is weighing heavily each week helps lighten my mental load. I always feel a bit stronger and refreshed after seeing her.
4- Naps – it’s amazing how the chronic stress creates a constant feeling of fatigue. I’ve found that resting while Dylan rests can be very restoring, even if I don’t fall asleep. I have had to let go of the notion of “getting stuff done”, but getting that down time helps me get through the rest of the day
5 – Massage and acupuncture – I’ve always been a believer in massage, but recently added acupuncture as well. Both massage and acupuncture are very relaxing and calming. If nothing else, the hour itself is forced relaxation!
There are several supplements I use and I’m looking to add meditation to my list! I will continue to update you all on my quest to survive the stress!

Thank you for sharing this Casey! Self care keeps you strong for Dylan and it sounds like you have some awesome tools for that!! I love that you are using CBD. I feel it is still so misunderstood and underutilized, thanks for talking about it. I love CBD. What other supplements are you using? Maca? Ashwaganda?
Thank you! I take a whole arsenal of supplements and will probably write about that too, but I play with several adrenal formulations, magnesium, extra B and C vitamins, probiotics, and more! 😊
I also use tincture. I began when side effects of RA were rampant….you go girl. Ant you may have just convinced me to look into massage and accupuncture.
Thank you! I hope massage and acupuncture can help!
Love you, Casey. Love your family. You are strong and brave! You are my hero! Hugs to sweet Dylan..
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
You are an amazing lady. We have followed your life since we met you in 1978…Think you were still in diapers You have always had strong goals and we love you. Hugs💕💕
Thank you so much Ruthe ❤️
I have so many wonderful memories of you and Grant and appreciate your love and support so much ❤️❤️
Thank you for sharing these top 5! I love the bitter or better!
Meditation has been a real game changer for me. One of my favorite meditation teachers is Joseph Goldstein. I also use an app, 10% Happier, which was launched by Goldstein and Dan Harris (Harris wrote a book, 10%Happier, great read).
The app is super easy to use! It reminds me to meditate which is helpful because I will talk myself out of even a 5 minute quiet sit.
My love and support are always with you!
Thank you Amy!! ❤️❤️ I’ve read that book and I’m going to download the app now!!
Also Mindfulness Meditation, led by Jon Kabat-Zinn is excellent.
Loving you ❤️
Travel safe my friend.
Thank you for writing this Casey! I am not dealing with the same level of stress as you but find myself in some challenging times over the last couple of years. I appreciate you sharing your tips for managing stress and love your sharing of your successes with CBD. I feel it is powerful tool for managing emotions as well. I think of you guys often and hold your family in my heart.
Thank you Lisa! I appreciate your support so much ❤️