I know we have been fairly silent. Thank you for respecting us and continuing to send your love and support.
I’ve still been writing and I thought it was for myself, but if this is going to be what we started it as, I feel like I need to share.
Please continue to give Casey her time as well as the love and support, but as one of Dylan’s aunts, these have been my thoughts.
They are just glimpses of my feelings at different times since we lost Dylan. They change often and quickly, so please excuse how schizophrenic they may seem…
1. (~5/5/20)
As we are coming upon a month without my sweet niece… I honestly just don’t quite know what to say…
What an amazing girl. The words that come to mind immediately are badass, sweet girl, attitude, and other inappropriate words that she made funny.
I have really been struggling with any words that give her justice.
She gave me life. She renewed a spirit inside of me.
As soon as Dylan could walk, she would run to my car as I drove up and hug me. She would wrap her legs around me and rest her head on my shoulder and we would live in that love… I don’t think I’ve ever met a hugger like her.
It felt like an eternity. I had no idea how much that would mean to me……
She did.
She gave me love so pure that it reminded me how to treat people. What a girl.
Don’t get me wrong… she was tough as nails. I would not mess with Dylan…
But she was not a mean girl. She found the good in everything. And… she made it seem so easy… mason could mess with her- like any older brother… she would fight him… and… she could win. But, the second he was in trouble she would come to his defense.
I do hope we can all rally around Mason… he is in a place that very few of us can understand. Dylan and Mason loved each other fiercely- and always will.
D could make us laugh harder at the most inappropriate things…. like- “this pizza is fu*king delicious “ at 2/3 yearss old. (Thanks Jonas brothers for the song “cake by the ocean”.)
Casey shared with me recently that on her wish trip there was a girl working a ride at the park with long dreadlocks. Of course, Dylan was enthralled… I get it.. but this girl was having a bad day, or maybe a bad life… and Sweet D… notices her… and says… (genuinely) “I really like your hair”.
I didn’t quite register this whole interaction right away. Then… I realized- Dylan was even more in tune than I understood.
This 5 yo, on her wish trip…. was still unconcerned with herself. While
I know D loved those dreads- and she would have rocked them herself-she also saw that a girl was in pain and reached out. She may have given that girl a whole new perspective.
She never thought of her own situation. She cared more for her brother, her mom, and her dad.
I will forever be grateful that I was Dylan’s Aunt. I will forever give everything inside of me to live a kind, fierce life that she did not get to have.
Thank you, Dylan. Endless love.
“The truth is stranger than my own worst dreams”. Lord Huron
2. (~5/15/20)
When we started this we had a small inkling of what we were facing.
As we have come upon a month without Dylan, choosing joy is hard.
Grief affects us all in such different ways. I knew it would be hard. It’s SO much harder than I imagined. My patience is at zero. I’m not fun, or light, and I honestly just don’t care.
I’m worried about everyone. There is such a mix of emotions happening at different times- we are all trying to be kind while being so damn angry and sad at the same time. I hope it gets easier.
It’s weird how who I thought I would be concerned with are dealing better than expected and I lost sight of those that needed help. I am also not ok.
It’s a struggle… I think we all feel this in different ways.
There is no right or wrong. I’m still “happy” in fact- I feel that maybe even more but it’s harder to find.
I do think that will change with time. I accept and respect what I’m feeling.
I am just having such a hard time being available to anyone else.
It’s lonely.
Some days are better than others.
There is a strong sensation of guilt with not feeling ok. I am (as messed up as it sounds) so grateful for a worldwide shutdown.
It is letting me really feel all of this. I’m evaluating life in general- observing, and it doesn’t allow much escape.
I rambled, but I’m still finding joy. Dylan is helping- I’m positive about that. No ones really “ok” right now. That’s ok.
I do believe that finding the strength to live life after losing such an amazing soul and supporting one another will teach us to live a truly joyful life as a family. Finding the strength of being available to others is difficult but I know we will find that as well.
It may take some time, and that is also ok.
3. (~6/4/20)
It’s been almost 2 months since Dylan has passed.
I miss her.
Grief is such an interesting and intense design. No one feels it the same.
For me, I have found myself feeling things more.
I don’t know how to say it but I feel a weight lifted also….
Dylan doesn’t have to be fighting anymore- and I find comfort in that.
Even writing that is insane… because she should be here.
I have been evaluating everything. She changed everything. Forever.
I’m sad, angry, but most of all grateful. How lucky was I to be her aunt?
It’s tough in the family but I do think everyone is doing their best.
Casey and Jeff continue to amaze me with their strength.
What a strange time. My family is forever changed… but, with the pandemic, so is the world I think.
What a blessing of timing.
Thank you D. I will talk to you and smile because of you every day.
4. (6/23/20)
Again… how things change.
The people I was concerned about before have changed… the relief is gone. Sadness has entered the building.
This is our new “normal”. It feels even more lonely.
People are moving on around us, I feel a stronger sense of guilt for an entirely new set of things.
The things that have hit me hardest are seeing my photos and having to scroll back to see her face. Opening my Snapchat and not having a video or picture to reply to.
It’s the small things that are hitting me right in the gut. And I’m her Aunt. Casey is struggling, I can imagine the pain she is living in and as strong as she is…this is hell. It’s so hard to watch.
There is a lot of love surrounding us, but nothing seems to matter. Nothing changes our new world. As much as I want to be “back” I’m still finding my way there.
There is so much happening in our world and I find myself in awe of how simple my own life was not too long ago. I find the issues we face as a country and world so petty and to be honest, irritating. If we could all be a bit more like Dylan, I just think everyone could live a better life.
I really do hope this gets easier. At the same time… I wouldn’t trade one second of the time I spent with her.

And we continue to hold you all near in our hearts..while we walked a different road than Dylan and her family the heartache was there as we watched this from afar…
..she will never be forgotten and we honor her strength and her sass…..and we honor her family for sharing the battles they endured…..we wept with you and we continue to pray for you all……
Thank you ❤️ she definitely touched a lot of hearts on her journey- appreciate all of your support and prayers
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings! I met Dylan and Mason at Karen and Ron’s house, but it was a brief moment. Like everyone here, I followed along with Dylan’s illness and continue to keep the family (all of you) in my prayers. Stay strong and know you are all loved and prayed for! Carol Ham and family
Thank you ❤️
My heart aches for all of you! I’m feeling sadness and joy at the same time while reading your posts about beautiful Dylan. Joy because she brought so much happiness and love to so many people and sadness because she is not here and memories of her are what remain.
You are all so courageous. Bob and I will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Dylan’s life has touched so many people. She will never be forgotten!
Hugs and love from Bob & Tammy Earl
Thanks for always being so supportive Tammy ❤️ lots of love to you guys and healing to Bob!!
your words give me insight which I appreciate. while I dont know Casey’s side of the family, I know harrells. love them and hope I can support them as eloquently as you express yourself. my heart aches for y’all but feel helpless to reduce it. please know I think about you often with all the caring I can muster. I do appreciate your sharing. thank you.
Thank you so much ❤️ It is so hard to know what to do- I think just recognizing it is so appreciated
My 11 year old son is playing baseball on Dylan’s Warrior baseball team! He put his uniform shirt on for their first game tonight and he was so proud to be a Dylan’s Warrior ! I told him to play like a badass for Dylan! They won their game 12-3!! ❤❤
Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts. So much love to you all!
I love how much your community is helping to keep her alive ❤️ thank you!! Go Dylan’s Warriors!
Thank you for sharing your powerful words. Dylan’s beautiful ripple goes so far ❤️ She continues to inspire us and spread joy and love.. It’s so true what you said, we could all live a better life if we were more like Dylan. To see the world thru a lens of love. ❤️
Thank you for that- I agree and love what a big ripple she made ❤️
Thank you for sharing such raw emotions, Jamie. Your family’s reality is every family’s worst nightmare. I love you all so much. Dylan will continue to shine bright through all of us that were lucky enough to be loved by her. She was magic. Hugs.
Thank you Michelle ❤️
Jamie, my heart breaks for you all. There are still moments, almost 11 years later, when I tear up and cry, followed by laughter over another memory. I love that you know that it’s ok to just be ok. And to find things petty, and to be grateful for a world wide shutdown. I pray that your whole family has strength, especially thru these times when others lives move in and at times, it feels like yours is standing still. God blessed all of you with Dylan, and, with each other to lift, help and love one another thru it.
Thank you ❤️
Thank you so much for posting this. I have followed Dylan thru Casey’s post. Donnie and I are a part of their NCPA family. But little did we know that on my May 8th we would lose our 2 year old grandson. It was so unexpected that I think we are all still in shock. I have felt so angry and sad that I feel like it is eating away at my very existence. He was so full of joy and happiness that you couldn’t help but smile when you were around him. And I know he wouldn’t want us to be sad. So Thank You again. Your post have given me strength To keep searching for Joy and I hope each of you also find your Joy again too!
I am so sorry… ❤️ sending you and your family lots of love- I can’t help but smile when I think of Dylan and her laugh, please feel free to reach out anytime. Thank you ❤️
My son Henry played baseball on the same team as Mason shortlt before Dylan was diagnosed. My wife and I sat with Casey and Dylan and Dylan just gravitated to Nichole. It was awesome to watch because when Mason was smaller he would much rather talk to Nichole than me (she’s prettier) even though we weren’t around all that much. But we witnessed Dylans sassy mouth that night and she had us dying with laughter. I don’t think I will ever forget that night. What a force that girl was!
Aw… that sounds like D! Thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for sharing, Jamie. Grief is so different for everyone. It’s our own personal roller coaster ride. The sadness, anger, happiness, guilt and numbness, I believe, has to be normal, but so strange at the same time. Continued prayers for you and all of your family. 😢💗✝️🙏💗
Thank you for all of your continued love and support- I continue to send it your way as well ❤️❤️❤️
Wow, Jamie! I love your matter of fact writing. I see the pain you all are feeling. Dylan is a very special girl and we are all so lucky to have been in her circle. She was very sweet and salty at the same time. Her personality was so BIG she could make anyone her friend. Think about her and your family daily. Sending you all lots of hugs ❤️
Thank you Lisa ❤️
Jamie, your personal thoughts are so touching. The old cliche “time heals” is somewhat true. Time has a way of softening the rough spots as time matches on. I know as I have walked in those shoes many years ago. Be strong for each other and continue to hold each other close. Hugs💕
Thank you Ruthe ❤️ hugs and love to you and Grant ❤️