I am Jude, mother of these three amazing and beautiful sisters (I may be slightly biased). Not sure how I got so lucky but I am so proud of the women they have become, and I know I have not expressed this enough. The love and support they have shown each other melts my heart.
Our family is somewhat private by nature, so I know that venturing into this blog and sharing life’s ups and downs had to be challenging. By doing this they have gotten positive feedback and support for their journeys. Yes, other people deal with infertility, the challenges of raising three young children, and the impact on the entire family when a young innocent child is diagnosed with a deadly cancer.
To make a conscious choice to choose joy is certainly easier said than done. It makes me think of a pillow Casey gave to me after I’d had some surgery several years ago. On the pillow are the words, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Good words to live by.

As a mother (and I know all you moms out there can identify with this), when any of my children are hurting, I want to be able to fix it, no matter what their age. It’s a harsh realization when you discover that there are times when there is simply no Band-Aid big enough.
With Dylan’s illness, our family has grown closer, circling the wagons so to speak. The strength and determination Casey and Jeff have exhibited has been over the top, a testament to the fierce and protective love parents have for their children. They have left no stone unturned. It’s beyond heartbreaking to see what DIPG has robbed Dylan of, not to mention the impact on her brother Mason.
When Casey was pregnant with Dylan, she and Jeff chose to not find out the sex. It almost killed them not knowing! Casey wanted a girl SO much, so much that she totally convinced herself that she’d be giving birth to Grant Thomas (their chosen boy name). I was fortunate to witness Dylan’s birth, and I can tell you it was sheer joy that filled the room. Not only that, they named her Dylan Jude!
Throughout all this, I feel the need to express gratitude and appreciation for all the love and support that has been showered on our family. Our family has been so touched and humbled by this. So, so many prayers have been sent Dylan’s way- thank you all! We continue to keep hope alive.
Oh, and lastly, did I mention my alter ego!

Jessica Heriot Photography

Jessica Heriot Photography

Christina Jacob Photography

Christina Jacob Photography
Grandma Jude……have thought of you so often. Please know that you are all in our prayers as well. We so admire the daughters that you have raised and we continue our support and prayers from afar.
Thank you, Susie. ❤️❤️❤️
You certainly did raise amazing daughters. You should be very proud of them. Our community embraces you all in your journeys. I truly enjoy this blog and the openness you all are sharing. You are touching many lives through sharing.
May this year be a year of joy for you all. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Michelle. You are so welcoming and I really appreciate that. 💓
What a beautiful letter, and your daughters are three very strong, courageous, loving and beautiful women! You are right to be proud! I pray for Dylan daily, and I pray for all of you. Thank you for opening your lives up to us so we can send many prayers to God! God’s blessings to you all.
Thank you, Terri. We appreciate those prayers so much.
The Wood’s are dancing in the rain beautifully. Love you Grandma Jude and your incredibly fierce, loving and wonderful family. ❤️
We love you, Michelle! ❤️
We have known Wonder Woman for a long long time. She always impressed us with her unselfish gracious ways.You girls could not have asked for a better mother and dad. I have a picture in front of me of Jamie and Casie when they were little. Both dressed very nice and their hair done so well.
Cherish your Mother and Father
Very true! We definitely hit the jackpot with our mom and dad!
I met your “Clark Kent” October 2018 when my grandsons took karate with Padme in Long Beach. He was there with Mason. The two were “baching it” while Dylan was undergoing treatments in Portland. Your husband’s name escapes me but trust me in saying he is clearly proud of his family. He told me you had prepared food for him to serve Mason. And I know Karen and Ron were standing by. I saw your family at the November dinner 2018 but hesitated approaching you because as you said, your family would normally be private. As a fellow mom and grandma, suffice it to say I am supporting your family every step in this unwarranted, unknown journey. KH
Clark Kent also goes by Papa Woody or Tom. 😊 Mason has wonderful grandparents on both sides that have been there for him through this. I know he values the one on one time he gets with all of them when Casey and Jeff travel with Dylan. Thank you for your support, Kathy! 💓
I am grateful to have you as my one of my close friends. Your family is amazing. And my prayers are constant for that beautiful little girl, who has endless courage.
Thank you, Carola! Dylan is one brave girl, that is for sure!
Love and gratitude for all the support and kind words. It means a lot.